Rite of Reception
for Baptized Christians
into the
Evangelical Catholic Church


The norm for the celebration of the Rite of Reception for baptized Christians into the Evangelical Catholic Church should take place with the celebrated of the Sunday Mass with the parish community in attendance to give witness and support to those begin received into the community. Otherwise, the Rite may be celebrated privately for reasonable cause.


If celebrated within the body of the Sunday Mass, the Rite will begin after the homily with the Bishop, Priest or Deacon calling the candidate(s) forward.


Minister:  Will those seeking sacramental and canonical membership within this Church please come forward.

The Examination

Minister:  Is it your desire to received as a full sacramental and canonical member of this faith community?

Candidate:  It is.

Minister:  Do you make this request of your own free will and not under and form of duress?

Candidate:  I do.

Minister:  Will you support and respect the sacramental, liturgical, ecclesial and canonical laws and norms of this Church?

Candidate:  I will.


Renewal of Baptismal Promises

The Minister of the Rite will invite the community to participate in the renewal.

Minister: Dear brothers and sisters, through the paschal mystery we have been buried with Christ in baptism, so that we may walk with him in newness of life. Together let us renew the promises of Holy Baptism, by which we once renounced Satan and his worksand promised to serve God in the holy Catholic Church.  

And so I ask you:

Do you renounce sin, so as to live in the freedom of the children of God?

I do.

Lord, all I want to is live in the freedom you offer me. 
I want to reject the unloving choices I have made, 
and the sinful failures to love anywhere in my life. 
I reject all injustice, all violence, 
all that disrespects the dignity of human life
Do you reject the lure of evil, so that sin my have no mastery over you?

I do.

Lord, I renew my commitment this day 
to turn from that evil 
and from letting any disordered attachment, 
any empty promises master me,  
and try to separate me from you. 
By this promise, I commit myself  
to greater courage in acting justly 
and refusing to let unjust systems and structures 
numb my conscience or dull my heart.

Do you reject Satan, the author and prince of sin?

I do.

Lord, as I renew my the promises 
that accompany my becoming one with you 
in the baptism of dying to sin and rising to life, 
I know that an Enemy tries to 
tempt me to sin and to many dark patterns, 
I now promise to you,  
and to my sisters and brothers 
who depend upon my fidelity, 
that I  renew my commitment 
to reject that Enemy, 
and all his ways of subverting 
your reign and the coming of your kingdom.
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, 
creator of heaven and earth?

I do.

Lord, you made me and give me life every day. 
I believe in you, I turn to you, 
and I place my life,  
and the graces I need each day, 
in your loving hands.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, 
his only Son, our Lord, 
who was born of the Virgin Mary, 
suffered death and was buried, 
rose again from the dead, 
and is seated at the right hand of the Father?

I do.

Jesus, my Lord and Savior, 
my life is in your hands. 
I believe in you, I turn to you, 
I commit myself to growing closer to you, 
placing myself with you, 
in love - compassionate, self-sacrificing love - for others.

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, 
the Holy Catholic Church, 
the communion of saints, 
the forgiveness of sins, 
the resurrection of the body, 
and life everlasting?

I do.


And may almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 
who has given us new birth 
by water and the Holy Spirit, 
and bestowed on us forgiveness of our sins,
keep us by his grace,
in Christ Jesus our Lord, 
for eternal life.



The Mass continues with the Prayers of the Faithful


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