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The Evangelical Catholic Church

Office of the Presiding Bishop


January 1, 2013

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I am pleased to present to you the policies which the Evangelical Catholic Church has taken to implement regard sexual abuse and sexual misconduct.  These policies reflect our heartfelt desire to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to love our neighbors as ourselves.  We commit ourselves to protecting the safety of each and every person who comes and celebrates the sacraments with us.

Our policies requires each of us who exercise ministries within this Church body to remain mindful of our commitment for the protection of all.

As I present these policies to you, I do so with the belief that every person is equally committed to the safety and protection of each of us within God's family.

We look forward to sharing this obligation with you.

I remain,

Respectfully Yours in Christ,

 James Alan Wilkowski
Presiding Bishop for the Evangelical Catholic Church



National Church Office
Post Office Box 178388  Chicago Illinois  60617-8388
(T)  773-721-5383   (F)  773-721-2581
