"A Welcoming Community of Faith Rooted in the Catholic Tradition"



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The Evangelical Catholic Church in America is a part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church given by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to His Apostles.

The mandate of Jesus to His Apostles to go out and preach to all nations is continued in our midst. Therefore, we are a sign and symbol of God’s love for the world. The People of God are a people of hope who reach out with a radical openness to the diversity found in our members and leaders.

In this spirit we seek to approach those who have been condemned or injured by the Church or her ministers, or others who speak in the Church’s name, and join with them in their quest for equality and justice in the Church. The Evangelical Catholic Church lovingly welcomes all those who have suffered discrimination or who have been disenfranchised from religious life. Any person, couple, or family that has been ostracized or shunned by their home parish, congregation, or denomination because of who or what they are, or who or what they are perceived to be, are invited to join their spiritual and religious journey to ours. The Evangelical Catholic Church invites all persons who wish to practice and fulfill their Catholic faith into full sacramental activity, membership, and ministry of this Catholic Church.

With the love of God and the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Evangelical Catholic Church declares itself an open and affirming Catholic faith community welcoming all people to full participation in Catholic life.

Approved July 1, 2001




National Church Office
Post Office Box 170336    Chicago Illinois  60617-0366
(T)  773-721-5383   (F)  773-721-2581
