Letter Separating Bishop Louis P. Serra from the Evangelical Catholic Church



The Most Reverend James Alan Wilkowski
Evangelical Catholic Bishop for the Diocese of the Northwest
11045 South Avenue G
Chicago Illinois 60617-6747

July 7, 2020

The Most Reverend Louis P. Serra
120 Barney Street
Rumford Rhode Island 02916

Dear Louis:

Twenty-three years ago this date, I agreed to accept the call of responsibility to assume the assignment as Bishop for the newly created Diocese of the Northwest. Prior to this call by Bishop Martin and Archbishop Shirilau, I had never sought or coveted this assignment and I believe that the record of my conduct since my consecration proves that I have proactively worked only on behalf of the mission, sacramental and ecclesiology of this community. I have never misused the honor of this office for any form of personal aggrandizements. Nor have I used this office as a tool to prove any points towards those who mocked and ridiculed my decision to continue my liturgical, sacramental and spiritual life post-Rome.

During our formation conferences in New Mexico, one of the primary goals we all agreed upon was that our decisions to become members of this jurisdiction had to be based upon the foundation that we each wished to be part of a community of faith that we recognized as something that was bigger than us individuals. We chose to be pastors first and foremost to directly serve the People of God and humbly be administrators within our internal forum.

In all modesty, I sincerely hope that when all is said and done – Archbishop Shirilau and Bishop Martin would agree that I have done my best, despite times when I may have stubbed my toes during this journey, to fulfill their trust in me.

Despite every attempt possible upon my part, I have been unable to prevent the internal forum of this community from degrading itself into a den of vipers. It is I who must bear the responsibly for opening the doors of our clerical ranks to dysfunctional individuals and also those with dark personal agenda unworthy of a cleric within our ranks. I had hoped that providing a safety net to lost priests, I could do for others that which was done for me by this community. Sadly what I did was to bring on board those who could not appreciate or make good with a second chance at ministry.

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The current level of vile hatred and backstabbing proactively infecting our community makes the covid 19 pandemic pale be comparison and the political intrigue currently at work within our community would make a school of piranhas envious. I look at some of recent potential vocational candidates who were chased off by crude and unprofessional treatments and I cry because of my failure to protect them by the mean and dismissive attitudes and words from members of our ranks.

During these recent years, the dysfunctional behaviors within our internal form have regressed to the level of the blood wars between Mary of Scotland and Elizabeth of England. Our community has become far more obsessed with ways in which can tear down others for their own gains. The current preoccupation with blood letting within this community is nothing less than a matter of sin and abdication of the solemnity of their vows to Orders. In addition, the rancid attitudes of homophobia and misogyny that have come to the forefront are historically heretical within this body of faith.

Despite every attempt on my part of keep matters together, I feel that it is now time for me to address the overfilled toilet that this community has been transformed into.

In Exodus 32: 1-9 speaks of the moment when those whom Moses led out of slavery turned selfish and inward and created a molten calf for their worship and praise and turned away from their true Lord. The Lord responded by destroying the calf and many of the stiffnecked followers of the calf. This faith community provided a life preserver to many who had lost their standing within other jurisdictions and they have now shown their gratitude to this community by becoming stiffnecked themselves and idolizing their own personal molten calves.

Our current sad state of affairs directs me to Luke 19: 45-48 when Jesus responds to the desecration of the Temple by driving out all of the evildoers and bringing about the sacred restoration of the Temple.

Inspired by the example of the Christ cleansing the Temple, I find myself left with no other option than to cleanse the clerical ranks of this community by the flushing of their foul and soiled toilet they have created.

Based upon Canon 29 of the Code of Canon Law for the Evangelical Catholic Church, I hereby separate Louis Serra, James Radloff, David Verhasslet and Karen Till from the body of this community of faith and return them to their canonical jurisdictions prior to their incardination or ordinations within this jurisdiction. Notification of this action has been made to the previous jurisdictions of those who have been separated. Father William Murphy and Father Mark Hebert are not included in this action.

I wish for it to be known that I granted Fr. Mark Hebert a leave of absence in order to protect him from his enemies in Bend. I knew that in time the truth would make itself evident as to the plot against him. I hope that in time Mark would consider my apologies and return to active ministry with me.

One of the greatest issues facing jurisdictions within the Independent Catholic movement has been those making their way into the clerical ranks burdened with egos and psychological impediments which would under normal professional circumstances preclude vocational considerations elsewhere or would undermine their long-term success after ordination.

This has been the reality of this community in recent times and now those separated are free to pursue new directions.

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I deeply regret being forced to take this action, but I am convinced that I am left with no other decision. I wish to pledge that I shall not engage in any public campaigns of vindictiveness towards any former members of this jurisdiction. I sincerely hope that this pledge will be reciprocated because I wish to refocus my vocation by walking with the angels and Holy Spirit rather than being weighed down by the negative behaviors of recent years.

God and His people deserve better.

This letter and notification concludes all canonical business between those separated and this body.

I pray that Archbishop Shirilau and Bishop Martin will intercede on my behalf as I attempt to rebuild the community I love.


Evangelical Catholic Diocese of the Northwest Welcoming Page

James Alan Wilkowski
Evangelical Catholic Bishop for the Diocese of the Northwest
Chicago Illinois
July 7th, 2020

cc: Reverend James Radloff
Reverend David Verhasslet
Reverend Karen Till

Most Reverend Liam Cary
Most Reverend Jerome Edward Listecki
Very Reverend Richard Fischer, V.G.
Most Reverend James Long

Most Reverend Raymond Niblock
Most Reverend Paul Smith

Reverend William Murphy
Reverend Mark Hebert

“A Welcoming Community of Faith Rooted in the Catholic Tradition”






Bishop James Wilkowski, Bishop for the Diocese of the Northwest, has resumed the responsibilities of Presiding Bishop for the Church.  Bishop Wilkowski's letter separating Bishop Serra from the Church can be read at July 7th Letter to Louis P. Serra

For additional information, please contact Bill Morton, Director for Communications for the Evangelical Catholic Church at:
