"A Welcoming Community of Faith Rooted in the Catholic Tradition"



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The Evangelical Catholic Church is a Catholic faith community, which upholds and celebrates the gift of life, for we believe that this gift comes from God.

We hold that the gift of life must be celebrated and treasured. We are a pro-life and a pro-people Catholic faith community.

We also believe that all individuals have the right to plan the size of their families and the timing of each new member to their families

We endorse medically approved forms of responsible family planning and encourage those who wish to have children to give serious consideration to and have an honest understanding of the responsibilities they will undertake.

The Evangelical Catholic Church does not endorse the practice of abortion. This Catholic faith community also understands that individuals will ultimately make their own personal moral decisions regarding abortion. Irrespective of their decisions, this Catholic faith community will not turn it’s back nor abandon any person who ends their pregnancy, but will welcome and embrace them in healing ministry and service.

Approved July 1, 2001




National Church Office
Post Office Box 170336    Chicago Illinois  60617-0366
(T)  773-721-5383   (F)  773-721-2581
