"A Welcoming Community of Faith Rooted in the Catholic Tradition"



Sample Application for Admission
to the Formation Program for the Evangelical Catholic Church


The following is a sample of the application used by the Church for candidates to our formation program. 


Part 1:  Personal Information

Attach official copies of baptismal and confirmation certificates and official copies of marriage certificates, divorce decrees or death certificates. 

Candidates for Incardination must provide official certificates of ordinations and official copies of letters of resignation.

Candidates are also required  to attach a current photograph.

1.    Full Baptismal Name:

2.    Present Name:

3.    Legal Address:

        Previous Addresses:

4.    Home Phone:
       Work Phone:

5.    Date and Place of Birth:

6:    Names of Parents:

7.    Date of Baptism:
       Baptismal Rite:

8.    Parish Membership and Date of Reception:

9.    Marital Status:
       Name of Spouse:
       Date of Marriage:

10.  Previous Marriages and Terminations:

11.  Social Security Number:
        Driver's License or State ID:
        State Issued:


Part 2:  Previous Formation Experience

Candidates applying for admission into the formation program
of the Evangelical Catholic Church who had been part of a program
for priestly or religious formation are required to provide the following:

1. Names of all  previous formation programs and dates of enrollment.
2. Copies of past formational evaluations and psychological evaluations.
3. For those who did not complete their formation program, a detailed narrative
    for the reason(s) why program was not completed.

The previous formation programs for all candidates will be contacted for inquiry  regarding any past documented cases
of physical or sexual abuse.


Part 3:  Academic Background

Attach official copies of all academic transcripts.

            Please provide your current curriculum vitae.


Part 4:  Employment History

        Please provide current resume including names of previous work supervisors.


Part 5:  Physical and Psychological Health History

        Candidates are required to submit a current physical and psychological examination report.

12.    Do you have any past or current substance abuse issues?

13.    Have you received treatment for any form of substance abuse?  

14.     Have you ever been asked to seek evaluation for substance abuse?

15.    Have you ever been confronted about any passive / aggressive behaviors or any form of emotional abuse?

16.    Have you ever been under the care of psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist?

17.    Have you ever been encouraged or requested to enter into therapy?  If so, for what reasons?

18.    Do you current take any prescribed medications which may prevent you from fulfilling your duties?

19.    Do you have any chronic physical conditions?


Part 6:  Criminal History

        Candidates are required to undergo criminal background checks.

20.    Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

21.    Have you been convicted of any sexual abuse crimes?

If your answer is Yes, please stop here.

The Code of Canon Law for the Evangelical Catholic Church and its Formation Policies renders anyone who has been convicted of any sexual abuse crimes ineligible for admittance into any of our secular or religious programs of formation or Incardination.

We cannot accept your application.


Part 7:    Personal References

Five letters of References are required.  One must be from current employer or supervisor and one must be from a member of the pastoral community.  The remaining three can come from those of the candidate's choosing.


Part 8:    Personal Reflection Statements

Candidates are required to provide written responses to each of the following questions.  We ask that responses are thorough and succinct.

1.    Describe your religious history?

2.    Describe your beliefs and theology?

3.    What does ordination or incardination mean to you?

4.    Why do you feel called to ordained ministry or wish to continue with ordained ministry?

5.    Describe the relationship and interactions between Church, society, theology, morality, sin and grace?

6.    How will the following relate to your life as a ordained person:  dedication, study, servanthood, social activism, witnessing, chastity, poverty, obedience, work, marriage, family, community, faith and love? 

7.    When do you plan to be ordained or incardinated?

8.    Where do you see yourself and your ministry within five years?  Do you plan on using the valid orders of the Evangelical Catholic Church as a stepping stone to enter into another jurisdiction?

9.    What are your current objectives in life?

10.    How will you combine ministry with your other desire, commitments, work and relationships?

11.    Why do you wish to be a cleric within the Evangelical Catholic Church?

12.    How do you relate to authority and structure within an organization?  Are you prepared to fully support our Church, its vision, its hierarchy and its liturgical traditions?

13.    If you are currently in a relationship how will your spouse/partner support your desire to enter/reenter ministry?

14.   Within the mission of this Church is a commitment to provide unconditional pastoral and sacramental care to all persons.  Will this pose a problem for you?

15.    Have you been canonically received into the Church?

16.    Do you have an active ministry at this time?

17.    Which liturgical rite do you desire celebrate within the Evangelical Catholic Church?

18.    What is your understanding of the promise of respect and obedience to one's bishop or religious superior?

19.    Do you engage in passive/aggressive behavior? 

20.    What forms of support do you desire from your bishop and pastoral colleagues?

21.   Canon 27 of the Code of Canon Law dictates our Sexual Ethics.  Do you agree or disagree with this?

22.   Are you a theocentric person?

23.   Do you have a spiritual director at this time in your life? 

24.    Have you had problems maintaining and fulfilling commitments?

25.    How do you address matters of anger and frustration?


Part 10:  Verification and Authorization


I certify that all information contained within this application and its supplemental materials are true and correct. 

I understand that ANY misrepresentations or false information will result in my ineligibility from any secular or religious formation program. I further understand that should I attain Orders or Religious Profession from the use of fraud or misrepresentation, the Church will exercise its Canonical obligations to declare either my Orders or Religious Profession null and void.

I understand that should my application failed to include any of the above required documents or reports, it will be not be considered by the Church.

I authorize the Bishop to investigate my personal background, criminal history, employment history, formation history and all other appropriate records. 

I also consent and permit those who are contacted by the Bishop to answer any and all inquiries made.



Signature of Applicant






Understanding of Application Requirements


1. Consultation with the bishop or director of Vocations.

2. Completion of application and all required documentation.

Certificates of:
A. Baptism
B. Confirmation
C. Marriage(s), (if applicable)
D. Copies of civil divorce decrees and annulments or grants of dissolution (if applicable)
E. Married candidates must also provide the written consent of their spouse prior to beginning the formation program

3. Completion of required criminal background check

4. Completion of required psychological examination

5. Evaluation and recommendation of the candidate by a clerical review panel assembled by vocations director who then makes a recommendation to the Diocesan bishop.

6. Diocesan bishop then accepts or rejects the candidate. (Note: this acceptance is provisional only. The Diocesan bishop reserves the right to dismiss any candidate from the program for a canonical reason, even if occult. Cf. Can. 10.18 & 10.19).

7. Reception of Minor Order of Lector at the beginning of graduate studies

8. Reception of Minor Order of Acolyte mid-way in the academic program

9. Candidacy will be celebrated at the discretion of the Diocesan bishop (note: reception of the Minor Orders will be at the discretion of the Diocesan bishop if the candidate has completed the required academic studies prior to entering our formation program).

10. After all required academic studies have been certified as completed and prior to beginning the internship, the candidate shall be ordained to the Order of Deacon.

11. Completion of the required internship program.

12. Ordination to the Presbyterate.

The requirements for clerical Incardination are very identical up to step 7. A cleric seeking Incardination normally has already completed the required studies and received all the Minor Orders. After the Diocesan bishop accepts the candidate for Incardination, the bishop will grant the candidate temporary faculties as a "cleric-in-residence." The length of time of this required "probationary" period is at the discretion of the Diocesan bishop after consultation with he clergy of the Diocese.

13.  The application of any candidate for Orders, Religious Life or Incardination will  be considered for approval only after ALL required materials and documentations are submitted.



Signature of Applicant







Application Check List:

Please make sure the following items are included with your application.  Otherwise, your application will be considered incomplete and will not be considered by the Church.

Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate
Confirmation Certificate
Church Reception Certificate
Any and all Marriage Certificates
Any and all Divorce Certificates
Any and all Death Certificates

Any and all post high school Academic Transcripts

Copy of Current Drivers License or State ID
Copy of Social Security Card
Copy of Passport and/or Residency Documents

Professional Resume

Any and all court records of felony convictions
Fingerprint Card

Documentation from previous formation programs

Five Letters of Reference

Medical and Psychological Reports

Current Picture


Come, follow me

Canon Law and Formation Policies of the ECC

The Diocesan Deaconate

The Diocesan Priesthood

Process for Clerical Incardination

Religious Orders and Religious Societies

Welcoming Women to the Deaconate and Priesthood

Welcoming Back Inactive Deacon, Priests, Religious and Bishops 

Sample Application for the ECC Secular Formation Program


Saint John the Evangelist Seminary



National Church Office for Vocations
Canon Mark Hebert, Director