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 Canon Twenty Four

Code of Canon Law
of the
Evangelical Catholic Church


Canon 24
National Board of Directors,
Diocesan Boards of Directors & Parish Councils

24.1 The Evangelical Catholic Church shall have a National Board of Directors to assist in promoting the welfare and good of the Church.

24.2 The National Board of Directors for the Evangelical Catholic Church shall be composed of the Presiding Bishop and all other Bishops of the Church, together with appointed members from the ranks of clergy and laity.

24.3 All bishops are permanent members of the National Board of Directors.

24.4 All clerical and lay members of the National Board of Directors shall be appointed to serve terms of service for two years.

24.5 Only those members of the National Board of Directors, who have been fully and formally received into the Evangelical Catholic Church, shall enjoy voting rights on the National Board of Directors.

24.6 All members of the National Board of Directors are to be given Letters of Appointment welcoming them to their position and delineating the scope of their service.

24.7 The National Board of Directors shall convene and meet during the annual National Conference and Retreat of the Evangelical Catholic Church.

24.8 All meetings of the National Board of Directors will follow the guidelines of Robert's Rule of Order.

24.9 Any member of the National Board of Directors who abuses their role in office will be dismissed from their position.

24.10 All official documents of the National Board of Directors shall have a master and a scanned/approved copy and the scanned copy will be kept in a separate location from the Master.

24.11 Each Diocese of the Evangelical Catholic Church shall have a Diocesan Board of Directors to assist in promoting the welfare and good of the Church. The Diocesan Board of Directors shall also have the responsibilities and faculties to act as Board of Directors for any and all non-parish missions within each Diocese.

24.12 Each Diocesan Board of Directors of the Evangelical Catholic Church shall be composed of the Local Ordinary, who can solely appoint members from the ranks of clergy and laity.

24.13 All clerical and lay members of the Diocesan Board of Directors shall be appointed to serve terms of service for two years.

24.14 The Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Catholic Church shall enjoy the honor of being a consultative member of each Diocesan Board of Directors.

24.15 Only those members of the Diocesan Board of Directors, who have been fully and formally received into the Evangelical Catholic Church, shall enjoy voting rights on the Board.

24.16 Letters of Appointment will be sent to new Diocesan Board members welcoming them to their position and delineating the scope of their service.

24.17 All members of Diocesan Boards of Directors shall sign a contract accepting the scope of their duties and accepting the Canonical and legal limitations of their office and will abide with the Canon Law and by-laws of the Church

24.18 The Diocesan Board of Directors shall convene and meet during the National Conference and Retreat of the Evangelical Catholic Church and once during the months of January and July of each year. The winter Board meeting may be done in person or via teleconferencing, or some other electronic method of communication.

24.19 All meetings of the Diocesan Board of Directors will follow the guidelines of Robert's Rule of Order.

24.20 Any member of the Diocesan Board of Directors who abuses their role in office will be dismissed from their position.

24.21 All official Diocesan Board of Directors documents shall have a Master and a scanned/approved copy and the copy shall be held in a separate location from the Master.

24.22 Every parish shall create a local parish council, to assist the pastoral team in promoting the welfare and good of the Church.

    § Local Parish Councils shall be created at such time when the parish has a membership of five fully and formally received members into the Evangelical Catholic Church.

24.23 The Local Ordinary shall serve as a consultative member of all Diocesan Parish Councils.

24.24 All members of Parish Councils shall sign a contract accepting the scope of their duties and accepting the Canonical and Legal limitations of their office.

24.25 All Parish Councils shall meet at least four times per year.

24.26 All meetings of Parish Councils shall follow the guidelines of Robert's Rule of Order.

24.27 Any member of a Parish Council who abuses their role in office will be dismissed from their position.


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